The Rest of April 2018

April has been a quiet month. 

A couple of weeks ago we went to a Jazz game. I need to give a big shout-out to Sorenson Media and Andrew Rust for the opportunity to go. We got the Sorenson Media tickets for the Jazz versus the Clippers tickets. The tickets were actually raffled off before I started at Sorenson Media in December, but Andrew had been to a lot of games this year and offered to let Alison and I have his tickets. It was very generous and we certainly enjoyed the tickets. We got downtown early and grabbed dinner at the stadium. Sorenson Media has tickets on row 3, which is really row 6, but they were amazing. We were so close to the action. We were next to one of my coworkers and his wife. He was way into the game he was yelling at the opposing players trying to disrupt their rhythm. It was very entertaining. They also brought their couple-month-old baby to the game, Alison was in heaven snuggling their baby during the first half. The Jazz held a substantial lead for all of the game. They played really good basketball. Even though the lead was never really in doubt it was an exciting game because it was late in the season and every game mattered for the Jazz. 

We also went to the Jordan River Temple open house a couple of weekends ago. Kristin got some tickets so we went with her, Dan, Skylee, Aleene, Debbie, and Blake. It was a really good experience.  It didn't feel like the temple itself had changed very much, it felt very familiar, but the new artwork was beautiful. Even though we can go to this temple after it is dedicated I was glad we went now so that we could see the artwork in areas we normally wouldn't go to when we are participating in temple ordinances. 

What else have we been up to in April? We have taken Tex on lots of walks and enjoyed the funny interchanges between our two animals. CC and Tex bring love and joy into our lives every day. 

We also have been working on a yard project. We decided to pull out some bushes and replace them with rose bushes. We are also adding in an herb garden and a walkway into our yard. And we decided to remove all the bark from the planters throughout our yard, put down edging and weed suppression fabric and then replace the bark. It has become quite a project. Hopefully, we can get it wrapped up this weekend. 

Kristin and Dan invited us to go to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip festival. It has been a couple of years since the last time we attended. They even have a Thanksgiving point pass and were able to get us in at a half price. We enjoyed exploring the beautiful gardens and visiting them. Skylee had fun asking me to take pictures of her, with members of her family, all over the gardens. She was so cute. After we walked around the gardens we went to dinner. While we were at dinner Skylee said she wanted us all to play a fun game. This game consisted of going around the table and having everyone say something nice about someone else at the table. She is so sweet.

This week April will become a whole lot more exciting as we take off to celebrate Alison's birthday!


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