New Year, New Goals 2019 Edition

I have had a really difficult time coming up with goals this year. There is a lot I want to accomplish and I feel like it is a really big year. I will turn 30 this year. I wanted my goals to reflect the significance of this year. As I reflected on previous years and considered the future, a hodgepodge of potential future accomplishments came to mind. I began to write them down and I refined them. As my list grew I noticed the goals fell into 4 categories. These categories are: explore, adventure, well-being, and learn. These categories feel like an appropriate theme for my 30th year. 


Goal 1: Visit 5 countries we have never visited before.

We have ambitious travel plans this year.

This goal is part of two larger goals - to visit the 7 modern wonders of the world and the sites displayed in Disney's Soarin' Over the World. This year we plan to visit Mexico, Japan, India, Nepal, and Australia.

Locations from Disney's Soarin' Over the World:
Matterhorn in Switzerland 2018
Isfjord, Greenland
Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia
Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany 2018
Kilimanjaro National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
The Great Wall of China in China 2018
The Great Pyramids in Egypt 2017
Taj Mahal in Uttar Pradesh, India
West and East Mitten Buttes in Monument Valley, United States 2018
Lau Islands, Fiji
Iguazu Falls, Argentina
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 2018
A Disney Park

7 Wonders of the Modern World:

1. Chichen Itza, Mexico - Mayan City
2. Christ Redeemer, Brazil - Large Statue
3. The Great Wall, China 2018
4. Machu Picchu, Peru
5. Petra, Jordan - Ancient City 2017
6. The Roman Colosseum, Italy 2018
7. The Taj Mahal, India

Goal 2: Visit the Grand Canyon

We have traveled far and seen many incredible sites all over the world, but we have never been to the Grand Canyon. Even though the Grand Canyon is relatively close to home. We have often discussed visiting and this year will be the year that we make it a priority.

Goal 3: Attend a Major League baseball game at a new stadium

This goal is also part of a larger goal. Alison and I have talked about attending a game at all 30 baseball stadiums. We have been slowly making our way toward this goal by visiting one or two a year. I love this goal because one of my favorite places to be with Alison is in a ballpark. It is a love we share. This goal helps ensure that we do not let that simple joy be crowded out by anything else.


Goal 1: Learn to Scuba Dive

This is a stretch goal for me. I am extremely nervous about scuba diving. I do not like the idea of being underwater for extended periods of time. I set this goal because it will take me outside my comfort zone. It will also give us an opportunity to see amazing sites in Mexico and in Australia.

Goal 2: Hike Mount Timpanogos

A few years ago Alison and I spent more time hiking. As life has gotten busier and priorities have shifted hiking has largely fallen by the wayside. We had an opportunity to hike Mount Timpanogos last year and decided not to. This year we are going to do it, and hopefully, we can do it with our friends Mike and Hillary.


Goal 1: 85/15 healthy food

Alison and I have been on a journey to understand what it means to eat healthy, wholesome food and how to make this work for us. Last year was a pretty great year. We found a sustainable way to eat healthy, wholesome foods. This year I want to ensure I keep up the momentum. One way I will do this is by following the 85/15 rule, where 85% of the food I consume is healthy and whole, and real and the other 15% can be indulgent or a treat. I will admit this goal is hard to measure. My hope is this goal will keep me on track

Goal 2: Run a half marathon in under 2 hours

This is another stretch goal for the year. I have not run in the past few years. I have often considered getting back into running and this is the year I am going to do it. I can think of no better way than in setting a personal best by running a half marathon.


Goal 1: Read 100 books

This is certainly a stretch goal. I do not know if I will actually make it happen, but I decided 100 sounded like a good number. Also, my list of books I want to read continues to grow. Hopefully this year I can take a chunk out of it.

Goal 2: Read books and watch movies about the countries we plan to visit

I have very much enjoyed this goal in previous years. I have found watching movies and reading books about the places we visit. It has really enhanced my experience. I did not set a specific number of books or movies I want to read/watch for each trip. Instead, I will make a list for each trip.

Goal 3: Find a new intriguing fact about an ancestor

Since I joined last year I have been much more interested in Genealogy. I found some very interesting facts about my Ancestors in the past year and I am hoping to learn one or more new ones this year.


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