Our Five Year Honeymoon

When we got married Alison and I were not at all established. I had gotten home from my mission 6 months earlier. During the 6 months between my mission and our marriage, I completed my final semester at Snow College. Alison was a student at BYU and worked part-time for DealerTrack. We didn't have much. Thanks to the generosity of our parents we had a beautiful wedding. After our wedding, we honeymooned in Las Vegas. We had a fantastic honeymoon. In many ways, it was perfect. However, when we were planning it, Las Vegas wasn't our top choice. It was what we could afford. We have exactly one picture from our honeymoon trip:

During our first year of marriage, we didn't travel very often. We took another trip to Vegas and that was it. During our second year of marriage, Alison began to travel for work. This opened up new opportunities for us to travel together. She was scheduled to be out of town over our 1-year anniversary. I decided to join her - we took a trip to Chicago. It was the first of many trips. It was a lot of fun, but somewhat overwhelming. We had a lot to learn about traveling together.

Over our first five years of marriage, we have had many opportunities to travel. It has been a dream come true. It feels like we have already shared a lifetime of adventures.

We decided to celebrate our five anniversary by going on a trip to Kauai.  It is the honeymoon we dreamed about when we got married five years ago. 

On Friday afternoon we got on a plane and set out on our latest adventure. We are so excited!


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