Thanksgiving Weekend 2018

We spent Thanksgiving with Alison's family. It was delightful. Blake and Debbie smoked one turkey and fried another. We had amazing sides - mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, mac and cheese, and skittle salad just to name a few. We had enough pie that everyone basically could have eaten their own. It was truly a Thanksgiving feast.

After dinner, we visited and played games well into the evening. Then we all headed to the movie theater to see Ralph Breaks the Internet. It was such a fun show and had something for everyone in our group to enjoy. This was all-around great Thanksgiving.

On Friday we spent more time with family and made sure to eat plenty of Thanksgiving leftovers. Alison and I also decorated our house for Christmas. Alison once again put together a beautiful Christmas tree.

On Saturday Alison wrapped the Christmas presents, while Tex and I played in the snow. Tex loves the snow and could not have been happier.

We are so excited about this Christmas season and the opportunity it gives us to spend time with the people we love.


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