
We will be spending lots of extra time with our animals in the next couple weeks
It feels like the last week has been a year. Last Monday and Tuesday my sister-in-law and I enjoyed watching the Bachelor Finale. I texted her yesterday remembering how on Monday our biggest concern was who Peter Weber chose and those were happier times - lol. In the last week Eric and my offices both closed, I canceled a few work trips, and we made contingency plans for our upcoming vacations in April and May if we have to cancel. Thursday felt like the hits just kept coming as hour after hour something new closed, culminating with our beloved Disneyland closing (which will hopefully reopen in time for our Easter trip, but we aren't holding our breath).

Many times throughout the last few days, I have found myself feeling anxious, scared, and shaky. However, when I find that I feel this way, I try to practice gratitude to re-ground myself. Here is a list of things I am thankful for.

  1. Our health - Eric and I have focused on being healthy over the last few years and we have seen this pay huge dividends. We focus on getting our nutrients through whole foods, which has kept us healthy. 
  2. Our families are all healthy! 
  3. We can spend our extra time indoors doing some spring cleaning that we've been putting off and spend time with the people we love the most.
  4. Despite the run on the grocery stores, Eric and I were able to get everything we needed with trips to two different grocery stores. We are now set for the next week and even longer if we need. 
  5. Earlier this month I placed a food storage order, which should be arriving in the next week or so! So if we do find ourselves out of food, we can survive off of 100 pounds of oats. 
  6. Eric and I are both able to work from home to help with social distancing. 
  7. We both have great jobs and if anything were to change with one of our jobs, we both contribute significantly to our income, so we would be OK. 
  8. Although we have 3 vacations scheduled in April and May, they are all flexible and we would be able to reschedule with little effort or extra cost (in fact, we've already picked our dates for two of our vacations should we have to reschedule and started making flight and hotel reservations). 
  9. We can use technology to stay in touch with our grandparents who are in the high-risk category. 
Things are still scary and I can honestly say that I've never seen anything like this before, but I know that we will come out better for it on the other side. 


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