New Year, New Goals 2020 Review

2020 is an unprecedented year. Alison and I had no idea when we set our goals for the year the impact a global pandemic would have on our plans. While it was a challenging year we still managed to accomplish much. This year, more than previous years, we learned to be flexible and to adapt. Looking back on this year brings a combination of feelings of disappointment and achievement. Disappointment in the goals we very much wanted to accomplish, but were impossible due to the pandemic. Achievement in the things we were still able to accomplish this year, many of which were not even on our radar when the year began. 

Category: Explore

Goal 1: Visit 8 countries we have never visited before. Result: Incomplete (2/8 countries visited)

We planned to make 2020 an epic travel year. This goal more than any other was derailed by the pandemic. We were able to squeeze in a trip to Thailand and Cambodia before the pandemic shutdowns but our other trips to South America and Africa were postponed. We are fortunate that we have been able to reschedule our trips without any penalties or losing out on deposits. We had an ambitious two year travel plan, which we have decided to push back. We are going to attempt our trips to South America and Africa in the second half of 2021. Hopefully, they will work out next year.   

We made no progress on our two larger goals - to visit the 7 modern wonders of the world and the sites displayed in Disney's Soarin' Over the World. We are optimistic we can visit the final 2 wonders of the world in 2021, along with a couple of Soarin' locations. 

Locations from Disney's Soarin' Over the World:

Matterhorn in Switzerland 2018
Isfjord, Greenland
Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia 2019
Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany 2018
Kilimanjaro National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania 2020
The Great Wall of China in China 2018
The Great Pyramids in Egypt 2017
Taj Mahal in Uttar Pradesh, India 2019
West and East Mitten Buttes in Monument Valley, United States 2018
Lau Islands, Fiji
Iguazu Falls, Argentina 2020
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 2018
A Disney Park

7 Wonders of the Modern World:

1. Chichen Itza, Mexico - Mayan City 2019
2. Christ Redeemer, Brazil - Large Statue 2020
3. The Great Wall, China 2018
4. Machu Picchu, Peru 2020
5. Petra, Jordan - Ancient City 2017
6. The Roman Colosseum, Italy 2018
7. The Taj Mahal, India 2019

While we were not able to take the majority of our planned trips we were able to pivot and take some other trips. We prioritized trips we could take safely to places that we had a desire to visit, but for various reasons were not at the top of our list. We visited Yellowstone, the Oregon Coast, and Myrtle Beach. Each of these trips were incredible. Our travel in 2020 may not have been what we expected, but it turned out to be exciting nonetheless. 

Goal 2: Attend 3 Major League baseball games at new stadiums. Result: Incomplete 

We planned a trip to visit 3 new major league stadiums. This trip was cancelled due to COVID. This trip will not be rescheduled in the near term. 2020 was a weird baseball year. They played a shortened season with no fans in attendance. I am glad they were able to safely pull off even the shortened season. It brought a little joy in an otherwise overly stressful year. With the recent vaccine news providing glimmers of hope we are optimistic baseball will have a more normal season next year. Maybe we will even be able to attend a game in 2021. 

Goal 3: Hike Mount Timpanogos. Result: Complete 

This goal is a repeat from 2019. I did not accomplish it in 2019, but Alison and I made it happen in 2020. Alison's co-worker, Mike, and our brother-in-law, Dan, accompanied us on this hike. In order to make sure this happened I made one poor decision. I decided to attempt this hike the day after I donated blood. I felt fine when we started, but by the mid-point I was seriously wondering if I would make it. I pushed through, and although it was difficult, I made it to the top. I am glad we accomplished this goal. 

Category: Well-being

Goal 4: Set a new half marathon PR. Result: Incomplete

I planned to run in two half marathons this year. Both were cancelled due to Covid. Last year I ran a personal best half marathon in 1:46:19. This year I want to push myself to be even better. I didn't quite make it. I can't just blame 2020 on this one. I did run a personal half-marathon in June. This year I ran a half-marathon in right around 2 hours. While this was a step down from my prior year results I am really happy with my progress. In 2019 I ran through an injury. I was able to make it to the end of the race, but I had to curtail my training training program leading up to the race. I was much more cautious in my training in 2020 and the injury still reoccurred. This year I sought professional help. With the assistance of a physical therapist I was able to adjust my running form to avoid injury. The change was challenging to implement, but it was well worth it. I was able to complete my half-marathon training program with no injury and no pain (outside of muscle soreness) and I ran a half-marathon without pain or injury. I consider that to be a huge success. It will be a good foundation for any future running I decide to do. 

Goal 5: Purchase and install a chest freezer. Result: Complete

We completed this goal, although we did not have to purchase a freezer. Alison's grandmother had a freezer she was getting rid of and generously gifted it to us. After we obtained our freezer we were able to help Alison's cousin who owns a family farm in Ephraim Utah by purchasing a quarter beef from him. We also supported another local Utah farmer by buying half a pork. Both purchases helped us save money, buy local, and obtain quality meat. We are also more prepared for the next time there is a run on the grocery store. 

Category: Sustainability 

Goal 6: Reduce single use plastics. Result: Partially Complete

We took a few steps to decrease our use of single use plastics. We purchased and use reusable plastic bags. We also bought reusable produce and grocery bags. I say partially complete because Covid derailed our ability to consistently use these produce and grocery bags. We had to weigh the use of reusable plastic bags against potential health concerns. As this pandemic ends we will continue to take steps toward decreasing our personal use of plastic. 

Goal 7: Eat Vegan during Lent from Wed, Feb 26, 2020 – Thu, Apr 9, 2020. Result: Complete

Alison and I completed our goal of eating a vegan during Lent. By the end of the 40 days we were wishing we would have set this goal for a month, rather than for a whole 40 days, but we held on and made it the end. While we aren't in a hurry to do this again it was a good opportunity to focus on plant based eating and try something new. Perhaps the best thing that come from this experiment was trying So Delicious ice cream. We enjoyed this vegan ice cream so much that it is still our go to grocery store ice cream when we are looking for a treat.


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