New Year, New Goals 2021 Review

2021 turned out to be a great year for us. We dealt with challenges, but we were able to do most of the things we wanted and I accomplished many of my goals. Here is an accounting of the things I set out to accomplish in 2021:

Goal: Travel

Goal 1: - Continue visiting locations from Disney's Soarin' Over the World (Africa) and the 7 Wonders of the Modern World (South America) - Partially complete. 

Covid-19 continued to impact our travel this year. It actually impacted it more than we expected. We probably could have pulled our South America trip off, but we decided to postpone it another year due to the ongoing pandemic. We did manage to pull off an epic trip to Africa. It was different then we originally envisioned, but it still exceeded our very high expectations. 

Locations from Disney's Soarin' Over the World:

Matterhorn in Switzerland 2018

Isfjord, Greenland

Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia 2019

Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany 2018

Kilimanjaro National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania 2021

The Great Wall of China in China 2018

The Great Pyramids in Egypt 2017

Taj Mahal in Uttar Pradesh, India 2019

West and East Mitten Buttes in Monument Valley, United States 2018

Lau Islands, Fiji

Iguazu Falls, Argentina 2021

Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 2018

A Disney Park

7 Wonders of the Modern World:

1. Chichen Itza, Mexico - Mayan City 2019

2. Christ Redeemer, Brazil - Large Statue 

3. The Great Wall, China 2018

4. Machu Picchu, Peru

5. Petra, Jordan - Ancient City 2017

6. The Roman Colosseum, Italy 2018

7. The Taj Mahal, India 2019

Goal 2: Celebrate 10 years of marriage with a trip to the Maldives - Complete.

There were times this trip seemed impossible because of the pandemic, but we were able to pull it off. It was an incredible experience. It also exceeded our very high expectations and we got to visit Turkey as a bonus. This was a very rewarding goal to complete. 

Goal: Running

Goal 3: Run the NYC Marathon - Complete. 

This was easily my most fulfilling goal this year. I faced quite a few challenges training for this race. I dealt with a foot and a knee injury. Despite these injuries I trained the best I could. Even on the day of the race I wasn't sure if I would make it, but I gave it my best shot and I succeeded. I completed the 2021 NYC marathon. It was an incredible experience. 

Goal: Photography

Goal 4: Develop my photography skills - with a focus on indoor and night photography - Partially complete

Goal 5: Learn an advanced photo editing software - Incomplete 

While I didn't meet both of my photography goals per se, I did enhance my photography skills. I experimented with filters. I also enhanced my skills using a telephoto lens and taking wildlife pictures. 

While I may not have learned to use an advanced photo editing software, I did learn how to use my current software more efficiently. 

Overall, I was happy with the development of my photography skills and I took some truly beautiful photos this year. 

Goal: Professional Development

Goal 6: Work toward a promotion - Complete 

Shortly after setting this goal I was promoted. It was unexpected. It was the result of another team member leaving, combined with my personal readiness for the new role. The promotion has offered me the opportunity to grow professionally. I am in a managerial position now. I got to learn about managing a team. To help with my development Ancestry has a multi-month management training program named AMP. I participated in and graduated from this program in 2021. 

Goal: Develop a new hobby

Goal 7: Learn to Ski - Incomplete

This is an area where our plans changed. Instead of learning to ski this year we spent the money we would have allocated toward this goal on obtaining our advanced scuba credentials. It was a change in priority. I will probably circle back to this goal in a future year. 

Bonus Goal: Obtain advanced scuba credentials

This was goal developed after we planned a trip to Belize. We worked with a local dive shop in Riverton, The Scuba Dive, to complete our advanced credentials. It was a really helpful program that increased our scuba diving skills and made us more confident divers. It was well worth the time and cost. 


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